Dansk Forening for Industriens Patent og Varemærkespecialister
DIP varetager industriens patent- og varemærkespecialisters interesser i Danmark.
Læs DIPs høringssvar og andre offentligt tilgængelige dokumenter eller - hvis du er DIP-medlem - log ind og se referater, meddelelser til medlemmer, mm.
- Hvad er DIP?
DIP er forkortelsen for Dansk Forening for Industriens Patent- og Varemærkespecialister, på engelsk Association of Danish Industrial Property Executives og varetager industriens patent- og varemærkespecialisters interesser i Danmark.
DIP varetager også sine medlemmers interesser i Danmark og Europa gennem medlemsskabet af FEMIPI (Fédération Européenne des Mandataires de l'Industrie en Propriété Industrielle" på fransk, "Europäischer Verband der Industrie-Patentingenieure" på tysk og "European Federation of Industrial Property Agents in Industry" på engelsk).
DIP holder jævnlige medlemsmøder for medlemmer og evt. andre interesserede i immaterialretsbranchen og varetager deres netværk.
Information regarding: Center for International Intellectual Property Studies
Skrevet af JulieMeldgaard, man, 28/02/2022 - 20:13I am responsible for communication at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies and I am contacting you today to inform you about our Advanced Training Programme “Standard Essential Patent and Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Licensing: The interplay between IP, competition and contract law”.
This training programme is aimed at professionals and entrepreneurs in the digital and electronic, automotive, health and energy sectors, lawyers, policy makers, judges and students. We therefore think it would be of interest to the members of your organisation.
The next session will take place on 24, 25 and 26 March 2022 in a hybrid format (in Strasbourg and online). And it will be entirely in English.
In case you or someone in your network might be interested in following this training, please refer to the dedicated training page for more information.
The deadline to benefit from the preferential rate is 4 March 2022.
And the deadline for registration is 11 March 2022.
You can contact my colleagues in charge of the organisation directly at this e-mail address: frand-seminar@ceipi.edu
We would be extremely grateful if you could share this information with anyone in your network who might be interested in following the training.
Below are links to the posts we have made on social media in case you find it easier to share the information this way:
• LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6901465542717493248
• Twitter : https://twitter.com/CEIPIStrasbourg/status/1495697513936003072?s=20&t=7v...
• Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/102641301278901/photos/a.125855262290838/545409...
• Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p/CXl4JotuyW1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Kind regards,
CEIPI, Université de Strasbourg
Bâtiment LE CARDO
7 rue de l'Ecarlate, CS 20024
Digital Conference: The Role of Patents in an AI driven World // 17 and 18 December 2020
Skrevet af JulieMeldgaard, tir, 01/12/2020 - 20:50Artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming societies and economies and will continue to have a disruptive effect long into the future.
Accordingly, patent offices are preparing themselves by tackling the most recent challenges and looking for opportunities in this fast-moving field.
The EPO (European Patent Office) is hosting a 2 half-day digital conference “The role of patents in an AI driven world” on 17 and 18 December 2020. This conference builds on the success of our first AI event, “Patenting Artificial Intelligence” in May 2018, and provides a platform for policymakers, investors, inventors, SMEs, academics, and IP (Intellectual Property) professionals to exchange views and share expertise on AI and IP rights.
The event will kick-off with an update on the latest strategic projects from the EPO and its IP5 partners around patents and AI. We will look at the legal aspects regarding patentability of AI related innovations as well as the tools that could influence the way we work.
You will get a first look at the outcomes of our Chief Economist’s latest study on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as experience the journey of an SME founder as he shares his success story.
There will be opportunities of asking questions. To finish we will deep-dive into the recent white papers and proposals from the European Commission and the European Parliament on AI and IP and debate the implementation of the human-centric approach.
We look forward to providing you with food for thought around one of the most disruptive technologies of our time!
The event is free of charge, and you can choose to attend one, some or all sessions. However, registration is required. For more event details, see the attached brochure.
We hope to see you online. If you have a colleague or friend who might be interested in attending, do not hesitate to forward them the registration link.
For any questions or if you do not wish to receive such communications, please e-mail us: patentevents@epo.org.
Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincères salutations
EPO Patent Events